Stall Nystad

Stable Nystad is located in Karasjok municipality in Finnmark county. The stables offer stabling, natural covering and the insiminering. Stable Nystad is located in Karasjok municipality in Finnmark county. The stables offer stabling, covering the insiminering and cold blooded stallion Gains Kos. The stable has 15 boxes fordlet in two separate buildings. The resort also has two riding paths with access to hurdle material, wash played insimineringsboks, skospilt and isolate. The stables are approved by the FDA. There is good hiking in the area and close to the trail on the mountain.

Stable Nystad offers insiminering of all horse breeds and all available sperm in collaboration with veterinary Rolf Sarre and is one of the few in North Norway offering insiminering of hest.Vi also offer ultrasound confirmation of oestrus and confirmation of pregnancy.

Kalblodsavelshingsten Gains Kos is at avelstjeneste through natural covering of the stable.

The stable has a cozy salrom also used as living space. There is also a shower and toilet and changing room in the main squad.
